25 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Career Level in The Work-life Balance of Muslimah's Entrepreneur

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    A career woman has a good career development or career level in her work, it will have a contribution in work-life balance, and work-life balance is also one of the factors supporting the success of Muslimah’s entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study was to know and have a clear picture of the contribution of career levels in Muslimah’s entrepreneurs and the contribution of work-life balance in Muslimah’s entrepreneurs. This research method uses descriptive qualitative with a field research approach. Field research is research that emphasizes the practice in the field. In this study the author focuses on the results of data collection obtained directly from the informants and the specified sources. The results of this study prove that career level with work-life balance in Muslimah's entrepreneur shows results that are supportive meaning that the higher the career path the higher the work-life balance in Muslimah's entrepreneur. Vice versa, the lower the career path, the lower the work-life balance of Muslimah’s entrepreneurs. Supporting factors at the career level are education, guide and sponsorship, loyalty to business organizations as well as social flexibility and relationships between employee, assessment and evaluation and achievement or appreciation at work. While the supporting factors in work-life balance are working hours, personality characteristics, emotional intelligence and psychological well-being

    Implementasi Strategi Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia di Industri Media Persada TV Lamongan

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      This research discusses the implementation of human resource development strategies in the Persada TV Lamongan media industry. The purpose of this research is to describe, explain and know the implementation of human resource development strategies in the Persada TV media industry as well as to describe, explain and find out human resource development strategies in the Persada TV Lamongan media industry in a review of organizational culture theory. This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques used were observation and documentation. The results of observations and documents that have been collected are then analyzed, compared and combined to form a systematic, coherent and complete study result. In this research, it is found that; (1) the human resource development strategy in Persada TV media begins with the procurement of manpower or human resources, development, education and training, compensation and integration aimed at utilizing employees to be willing to work hard and participate actively in supporting the achievement of Persada TV goals and fulfill the needs of employees. (2) In the review of organizational culture theory, there are elements that form culture in Persada TV, including the basic assumptions embedded in the vision and mission, values and symbols attached to the logo which are the manifestation of sowing mercy for the people by utilizing technology.Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implementasi strategi pengembangan sumber daya manusia di industri media Persada TV Lamongan. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan, menjelaskan, dan mengetahui implementasi strategi pengembangan sumber daya manusia di industri media Persada TV serta mendeskripsikan, menjelaskan, dan mengetahui strategi pengembangan sumber daya manusia di industri media Persada TV Lamongan dalam tinjauan teori budaya organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil observasi dan dokumen-dokumen yang berhasil dikumpulkan kemudian dianalisis, dibandingkan, dan dipadukan sehingga terbentuk sebuah hasil kajian yang sistematis, padu, dan utuh. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa; (1) strategi pengembangan sumber daya manusia di media Persada TV diawali dari pengadaan tenaga kerja atau sumber daya manusia, pengembangan, pendidikan dan pelatihan, kompensasi, serta pengintegrasian yang bertujuan memanfaatkan pegawai agar bersedia bekerja keras dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam menunjang tercapainya tujuan Persada TV serta terpenuhinya kebutuhan pegawai. (2) Dalam tinjauan teori budaya organisasi terdapat sebuah elemen-elemen pembentuk budaya di Persada TV di antaranya asumsi dasar yang tersemat dalam visi dan misi, nilai-nilai, dan simbol yang melekat pada logo yang merupakan manifestasi dari menabur rahmat bagi umat dengan memanfaatkan teknologi

    Public Relations Implemented in Islamic Philanthropic Organizations at LAZISNU

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    Islamic philanthropic organizations have been the people’s choice to distribute Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah. However, only a few realize that public relations is essential to maintaining relationships with audiences. NU Care LAZISNU East Java implements a public relations strategy to maintain public trust. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of public relations concepts in the Islamic philanthropic institution of NU Care LAZISNU, East Java. NU Care LAZISNU East Java, with various excellent programs, tries to build and maintain public trust as an institution that collects people’s funds and carries out a humanitarian mission. Thus, this research wants to examine further characteristics of public relations in Islamic philanthropic institutions to get a positive branding image. The method used qualitative research through interview techniques, observation, and documentation from NU Care LAZISNU, Scientific and Practical Basics of Islamic Communication East Java. The theory used to analyze is relationship management. The study results show that implementing public relations in the Islamic philanthropic institution at NU Care LAZISNU, East Java, is based on ethics, credibility, openness, trust, involvement, and mutual benefit principles. It is because this institution’s policies, activities, and programs are closely related to Islamic teachings in the form of the implementation of Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah. The public relations strategies are institutional identity, community involvement, publications, and events

    Hubungan Metode Pembiasaan dalam Pembelajaran dengan Disiplin Anak Usia Dini

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    This study aims to describe the relationship between methods of habituation in learning with early childhood discipline in early childhood Al-Hidayah Kota Bengkulu. The method used is descriptive quantitative with correlation type. The subjects were 30 children consisting of 8 children of B1 group, 8 children of B2 group, 7 children of B3 group and 7 children of B4 group. Technique of collecting data using observation in the form of checklist. Data analysis using Product Moment Correlation. The result of this research is there is significant correlation between method of habituation in learning with discipline of child and seen from price Fhitung0,418 bigger than price Ftabel0,374 for significant level 5% (0,418 <0,374) so that Ha accepted and Ho rejected. Based on these results it is advisable to train early childhood discipline should teachers apply methods of habituation

    Subjek Dakwah Islam Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an

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    Islamic da’wah subjects is person who conveys, teaches and practices Islamic teachings. It’s very important and interesting to study and learn more deeply. It can understand and deepen Islamic teachings are expected to be able to minimize message of preaching that isn’t in accordance with Islamic teachings. Based on context, the purpose of this study is to answer the question of how Islamic da’wah subjects in perspective of the Qur’an. This study uses qualitative research methods using descriptive analytical. To be able to study this phenomenon in detail, researchers quote of the Qur'an verses that allude to issue of Islamic da'wah. To be able to understand these verses, researcher also studies harmonious interpretations including of al-Jalalain interpretations, al-Nukat wa al-Uyun interpretations, al-Muyassar interpretations, Shaykh Abdurrahman interpretations, Ibnu Katsir interpretations, Anwar al-Tanzil wa Asrar al Ta'wil interpretations, al-Misbah interpretations, Madarik al-Tanzil wa Haqoiq at-Ta'wil interpretations, and Religion Ministry interpretations. Based on perspective of the Qur'an, the results obtained that Islamic da'wah subjects is perpetrators of da'wah as the heirs of the prophets who carry out mission of broadcasting Islamic teachings, inviting acts of ma'ruf and preventing acts of munkar. Besides that, what is said or delivered Islamic da'wah subjects must be conveyed from attitudes and actions. Therefore, before they plunge into people to preaching, it’s better to understand and study Islamic teachings well. Keywords: Da'wah subjects, Da'i, al-Qur'an

    Pengukuran Kinerja Klater dengan Menggunakan Model Konseptual Carpinetti pada UKM Sentra Mebel di Desa Tahunan Jepara

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    The central furniture in Tahunan Village, Jepara has greatly contributed to the local revenue. However, that contribution keeps decreasing over the years. This decreasing in performance is caused by internal and external factors, starting from financial management to supporting institutions. Cluster development can be done to massively grow small and medium enterprises. To better understand the performance of mentioned clusters, performance assessment is necessary so that performance meter and other performance-related factors are identified. Furthermore, managerial and operational weaknesses in the cluster are tackled. Cluster's performance assessment are performed using conceptual model from Carpinetti (2008) in central furniture in Tahunan Village, Jepara, aiming to provide essential recommendations. There are 29 indicators and 9 performances that are satisfactory and need to be improved, also 1 performance rated as unsatisfactory, which is company performance on demand. Hence, that performance needs to be urgently evaluated to enhance the performance level of the cluster. From the measurement results obtained a poor performance and require repairs that the performance of the number of requests. The fall in the number of requests is because as the price of raw material price increases as of rising fuel prices of BBM (bahan bakar minyak) that occur until mid 2014. This is forcing businesses to raise the price of products sold

    Pelatihan Penulisan Surat Dinas pada Perangkat Kantor Desa Jatisela Kecamatan Gunung Sari Lombok Barat

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    Tujuan pelatihan penulisan surat dinas pada perangkat kantor desa Jatisela adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman perangkat desa tentang penulisan surat resmi yang baik dan benar. Kegiatan program pengabdian pada masyaakat ini berlangsung selama tiga hari, yaitu pada tanggal 22, 23, 24 November 2017 yang bertempat di aula Kantor Desa Jatisela. Jumlah perangkat/staf desa yang mengikuti pelatihan penulisan surat dinas ini berjumlah 8 orang. Berdasarkan tabel di atas, nilai ejaan peserta kegiatan sudah sangat baik, artinya bahwa ada peningkatan dalam memahami Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia. Pada hari ini juga, peserta kegiatan dan tim pelaksana mengadakan refleksi dan evaluasi mengenai materi yang sudah disampaikan. Dengan demikian, peserta kegiatan dapat menyusun surat dinas dengan baik dan benar sesuai Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia

    Boarding School sebagai sarana pembentukan perilaku sosial : studi di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Plus Ar-Rahmat Bojonegoro

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    Studi ini membahas tentang proses pembentukan perilaku sosial yang terjadi di SMP Plus Ar-Rahmat Bojonegoro. Ada dua rumusan masalah yang dikaji dalam skripsi ini, yaitu bagaimana proses pembentukan perilaku sosial dalam boarding school di SMP Plus Ar-Rahmat Bojonegoro dan bagaimana peran setiap warga sekolah dalam pembentukan perilaku sosial melalui sistem boarding school di SMP Plus Ar-Rahmat Bojonegoro. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Metode ini dipilih agar memperoleh data penelitian yang bersifat mendalam dan menyeluruh mengenai proses pembentukan perilaku sosial di SMP Plus Ar-Rahmat Bojonegoro. Data yang diperoleh kemudian disajikan secara deskriptif dan dianalisis dengan teori Struktural Fungsional Talcotts Parsons. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh data bahwa; (1) proses pembentukan perilaku sosial di SMP Plus Ar-Rahmat Bojonegoro dilakukan melalui dua sisi yaitu dari dalam dan luar kelas. Untuk dari dalam kelas mengadopsi nilai-nilai pembentukan perilaku dari kemendikbud. Sedangkan dari luar kelas di terapkan metode dan langkah-langkah yaitu: membekali siswa dengan nilai-nilai religius, mengupayakan siswa hidup di lingkungan sosial yang baik, menanamkan nilai disiplin dan mandiri, memaksimalkan interaksi sosial sesama siswa dengan metode keteladanan, adat kebiasaan, dan pendidikan dengan nasihat. Selain itu juga diterapkan pembiasaan kepedulian sosial dengan kegiatan jum’at peduli, tolong menolong sesama siswa, dan menjalin silaturrahmi. (2) peran setiap warga sekolah dalam pembentukan perilaku sosial ini terdiri dari; peran kepala sekolah yaitu sebagai teladan, kontrol sosial, motivator, manager, edukator, administrator, dan supervisor klinis. Peran kaur. Kurikulum yaitu mengintegrasikan ilmu pengetahuan agama dan ilmu pengetahuan umum agar para siswa dapat berperilaku sesuai tuntutan masyarakat. Peran Ustadz/Guru dalam hal ini tidak hanya transfer of knowladge, tetapi sebagai teladan atau pemberi contoh berperilaku. Peran para siswa dalam mensukseskan pembentukan perilaku sosial yaitu dengan mengikuti semua rangkaian kegiatan yang dilaksanakan serta meningkatkan kesadaran, kemandirian, dan kedisplinan. Parsons menekankan bahwa perilaku individu terbentuk melalui pengkondisian dan pembelajaran sehari-hari (sosialisasi, institusionalisasi, dan internalisasi). Dalam Struktural Fungsional perilaku sosial ini dipengaruhi dan dibentuk oleh lingkungan sosial, sistem budaya, sistem sosial, dan interaksi sosial

    Dakwah Multikultural Gerakan Gusdurian Surabaya

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    Studi ini membahas dakwah multikultural Gerakan Gusdurian Surabaya. Ada tiga rumusan masalah yang dikaji tesis ini, yakni (1) bagaimanakah konsep dakwah multikultural gerakan Gusdurian Surabaya, (2) bagaimanakah tafsir makna multikultural dalam dakwah multikultural gerakan Gusdurian Surabaya, dan (3) bagaimanakah upaya-upaya gerakan Gusdurian Surabaya dalam dakwah multikultural. Menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Metode ini dipilih agar memperoleh data yang bersifat mendalam dan menyeluruh mengenai dakwah multikultural gerakan Gusdurian Surabaya. Data yang diperoleh kemudian disajikan secara deskriptif dan dianalisis menggunakan teori Sensitivitas Interkultural Milton J. Bennett’s. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh hasil; (1) dakwah multikultural gerakan Gusdurian Surabaya berpedoman pada tiga konsep utama, yakni sembilan nilai utama Gus Dur, gagasan keislaman Gus Dur, dan perjuangan pribumisasi Islam Gus Dur. (2) Tafsir makna multikultural dalam dakwah multikultural gerakan Gusdurian Surabaya dibagi menjadi tiga kategori, yakni tafsir multikultural berdasarkan al-Qur’an Surat al-Hujuraat ayat 13, tafsir pelaku dakwah multikultural, dan tafsir penerima dakwah multikultural. Ketiga hal tersebut menemukan kesamaan makna, yakni pesan dakwah perdamaian, toleransi, dan kerukunan umat beragama. (3) Upaya-upaya dakwah multikultural gerakan Gusdurian Surabaya mencakup tiga ranah, yakni ranah kognitif, ranah afektif dan ranah psikomotorik. (4) Dalam tinjauan sensitivitas interkultural Milton J. Bennett’s penerima dakwah akan melalui proses tahapan di antaranya denial (penolakan), defense (pertahanan), minimization (minimalisasi), acceptance (penerimaan), adaptation (adaptasi) dan integration (integrasi). Dalam teori ini penerima dakwah mengalamai pergeseran kesadaran dari etnosentris ke etnorelativis

    Artificial Intelligence in PET: An Industry Perspective

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has significant potential to positively impact and advance medical imaging, including positron emission tomography (PET) imaging applications. AI has the ability to enhance and optimize all aspects of the PET imaging chain from patient scheduling, patient setup, protocoling, data acquisition, detector signal processing, reconstruction, image processing, and interpretation. AI poses industry-specific challenges which will need to be addressed and overcome to maximize the future potentials of AI in PET. This article provides an overview of these industry-specific challenges for the development, standardization, commercialization, and clinical adoption of AI and explores the potential enhancements to PET imaging brought on by AI in the near future. In particular, the combination of on-demand image reconstruction, AI, and custom-designed data-processing workflows may open new possibilities for innovation which would positively impact the industry and ultimately patients